Monday, August 11, 2014

So..What is a Challenge Group?!

What is a Beachbody Challenge Group?

Basically, A Beachbody Challenge Group is an online Facebook group used for support and encouragement to help you reach your personal health and fitness goals.  You will be introduced to other people who are doing the same program as you, or have similar fitness goals.  The group setting provides amazing peer to peer motivation and accountability to keep you on the track to seeing your absolute best results!

What are the requirements of a Beachbody Challenge group?

  1. Commitment
In order to have success within a challenge group you MUST be committed to your health and fitness!  I want you to achieve the best results possible, and I know you want that too! Give it all you got!  

    2.  Shakeology
In order to participate you must also commit to replacing one meal a day with Shakeology.
Shakeology is a complete meal replacement drink that is high in protein, prebiotics, digestive enzymes, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and essensial amino acids.  Getting your best results is not just about working out, a change in your diet and addressing your body's nutritional needs is a must!  Shakeology, just like every Beachbody product, is backed by a full money back guarantee. You have absolutely nothing to lose.. except for maybe a few pounds and inches! :-)

 How Do I join a Beachbody Challenge Group?

If you are ready to commit 100% to your nutrition and fitness, if you are ready to join a Challenge Group..
Please fill out the application below, and I will contact you to discuss which fitness program is best fit for you!

Fill out my online form.
Use Wufoo templates to make your own HTML forms.

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