Sunday, August 16, 2015

Cookie Monster, You are KILLING me.

My husband is on a cookie binge lately.  Quite frankly, it's killing me.  I couldn't take one more night of smelling those fresh baked homemade cookies giving off an aroma straight from hell. So, I hid from those devils.. in the bedroom as I scavenged Pinterest for a cookie recipe of my own!  I found 100's to choose from, but this is a mashup of a few different oatmeal cookie recipes I found. They turned out amazing! Delicious, and healthy too!  5 ingredients, 5 minutes to prep! Recipe & Instructions after the jump. :D

3-4 Ripe Bananas
1.5 cups of Quick cooking Old Fashioned Oats
1 Tablespoon Natural PB
1TSP Pure Honey
1TSP Pure Vanilla
*Optional- Dark Choc. Chips (small handful)


Smash your bananas in a large mixing bowl.
(Potato masher worked great, and I finished smashing with a fork.)
Mix in honey and honey and vanilla.
Set aside.

In a medium mixing bowl, mix oats, peanut butter, and dark choc. chips.
Next, add in banana mixture! (I forgot a to take a picture of this step =[)

Here is the dough!  It will be kind of wet. I used an ice cream scoop to drop it into balls onto a cookie sheet sprayed with olive oil cooking spray.  
Bake at 350 for 10-15 mins or until the edges are a nice golden brown.
2 cookies is 1 serving.  If you are fixing it is 1 yellow container treat swap.

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