Sunday, August 23, 2015

Drink That Water, Girl!

It's not a secret that water is important stuff.  About 60% of the adult human is water, and every process in our body is influenced by its consumption.
Read below the jump to learn the benefits of drinking enough water & ways to make it a little less boring.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday Night Feast!

    Yellow Squash & Meatballs

I love these meatballs, they are one of my go to family friendly recipes!  These have a long cook time but are very quick to prep, easy to cook, and they freeze great! Personally, I make a double batch ahead of time and freeze half for a quick meal later in the month! 
Usually I serve them with sauce over spaghetti squash, but I had a yellow squash on hand so I tried that this evening.
Recipe below!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Fix With Me!

On day 1 of 21 Day Fix I weighed in at 181 lbs. 
After 3 rounds of 21 Day Fix and 1 round of the nutrition plan combined with some other workouts I'm down to 145 lbs, a loss of 36 lbs. since March!
 I feel better than ever.  
More after the jump!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Cookie Monster, You are KILLING me.

My husband is on a cookie binge lately.  Quite frankly, it's killing me.  I couldn't take one more night of smelling those fresh baked homemade cookies giving off an aroma straight from hell. So, I hid from those devils.. in the bedroom as I scavenged Pinterest for a cookie recipe of my own!  I found 100's to choose from, but this is a mashup of a few different oatmeal cookie recipes I found. They turned out amazing! Delicious, and healthy too!  5 ingredients, 5 minutes to prep! Recipe & Instructions after the jump. :D