Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday Night Feast!

    Yellow Squash & Meatballs

I love these meatballs, they are one of my go to family friendly recipes!  These have a long cook time but are very quick to prep, easy to cook, and they freeze great! Personally, I make a double batch ahead of time and freeze half for a quick meal later in the month! 
Usually I serve them with sauce over spaghetti squash, but I had a yellow squash on hand so I tried that this evening.
Recipe below!
It was a wonderful change up!  I will be having it this way again. 
Below you will find the recipe, enjoy!

21 Day Fix Meatballs


1/2 Lb. Lean Ground Beef
1/2 Lb. Ground Turkey
1/4 Cup Uncooked Old Fashioned Rolled Oats
1 Clove Fresh Minced Garlic
1 Tsp. Dried Mustard
1 Tsp. Italian Seasoning
1 Tsp. Onion Powder
A Pinch of Sea Salt
1 Egg
Splash of Almond Milk

*I don't measure any spices when I cook, so I estimate for any recipe I post. Start with less, and use your own judgement to add more as you see fit.


In a large mixing bowl, combine ground beef & turkey.
Crack 1 egg in a small bowl, beat lightly.
Add egg, and a splash of almond milk to the meat mixture.
Add Oats and spices.
Mix well.  (I know its kinda gross, but the best way is to just use your hands.  I wear gloves sometimes, lol.)

*The meat mixture should be the consistency of meatloaf, if it's too dry add a little bit more milk. If it's too wet add more oats.

I use a small ice cream scoop to form the meatballs. I didn't think to count them until typing this up, but if I had to guess I'd say you should end up with 10-12.

I cook these in a large pan with a lid on the stove top.  Simmer for a couple hours in the sauce. You want the internal temperature of the meatballs to reach 165 degrees. Stir occasionally.

For the sauce:
Over the weekend I will be making sauce of my own from tomatoes we grew in the garden, but in the meantime I look for a sauce that is low in sugar (7g or less) and has very few ingredients.  No high fructose corn syrup! A good rule to follow is.. if you can't pronounce it or it looks like it could be made in a laboratory, you probably shouldn't eat it.  Organic options are great!

The Squash:
This is just a basic yellow squash, sliced.
I seasoned it with fresh minced garlic, onion powder,pepper, and a tiny bit of sea salt.
Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil.
Saute in a skillet 10-12 mins or until tender. 

If you are 21 Day Fixing:
3 Medium Size Meatballs - 1 Red
Sauce - 1 Green
Squash - 1 Green ( I have 1.5 green pictured here)

*If you are being super militant about your nutrition you may choose to count the yellow container for the oats. However, less than one container of oats is used in this recipe and it makes more than one serving.  I do not count a yellow in this situation. 

I hope you enjoy this delicious dinner!  If you try this recipe, post your pics in the comments here or Instagram #GetFitWithStar
I'd love to hear from you! :D

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