Sunday, August 23, 2015

Drink That Water, Girl!

It's not a secret that water is important stuff.  About 60% of the adult human is water, and every process in our body is influenced by its consumption.
Read below the jump to learn the benefits of drinking enough water & ways to make it a little less boring.

Water aides in weight loss.

If you are looking to drop a few pounds, upping your water intake is a for sure way to jump start & increase your results. 
Besides making us feel full, there are several studies proving drinking extra H20 can increase metabolism and energy levels.

Mood Booster!

Common side effects of mild dehydration are confusion, irritability, and poor concentration. So, it's no wonder why people who don't drink enough water throughout the day often experience an afternoon "slump".
Proper hydration is an easy way to boost your mood while keeping you on your A-game all day long.

Clearer Skin.

Water flushes toxins out of your body along with anything else that doesn't belong in there. Drinking the appropriate amount of water daily will help to eliminate bacteria in & on the skin, which results in less irritation of the pores & less acne.  

Eat Your Water!

Some fruits & veggies such as watermelon, cucumbers, and strawberries are extremely water-rich while containing natural sugars, salts, and minerals our bodies need for proper hydration. Eating these in the proper portions can re-hydrate the body more effectively (and deliciously) than just drinking water alone! 

So how much water should you drink?

A good rule to go by to determine how much water you should be drinking is: Body weight / 2 = ounces of water per day.  If you are in a hot climate or doing moderate to intense physical activity each day, drink more.  ( 1 oz. water per pound of body weight)  It may seem like a ton, but stick with it.  You will be the noticing changes very soon!

Water is BORING!

The number one reason I hear for not drinking an adequate amount of water is..
It tastes boring.
Well, it's true. It does taste boring.
The best way to add a little flavor and very little calories to your water is infusion.

I'm not an expert, but I have tried a few. The top item on my wishlist right now is an infusion pitcher.
A blog post on this topic is sure to be in the future of Fit For A Star.
Infused Waters is a great website for tips, recipes, & health benefits of infused water.
They have loads of information!

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